JENESYS 2023 ASEAN-Japan Art Exchange is still open for applications

Heads up Filipino art enthusiasts! This is to inform you that the National Youth Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Japan (MOFA-Japan) will organize the Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS) 2023 ASEAN-Japan Art Exchange to let qualified participants attend the 16th Asian International Children’s Festival.

The Asian International Children’s Film Festival, now in its 16th year, was established with the goal of encouraging friendship and goodwill among Asian youths through the art of filmmaking.

Young filmmakers from all over Asia are invited to Japan as part of this event for a competition and days of cultural exchange events that end in an awards ceremony for the best film submissions.

Children compete in a 3-minute short film competition where bullies, delinquency, youth crime, and NEET are just a few of the issues that plague children’s environment nowadays.

The film festival’s “What I Want” theme is its main focus this year. Participants are able to express their creativity through a variety of genres and styles as long as they keep the festival’s selected theme in mind.

The Program seeks to strengthen ties of friendship and collaboration between the peoples of Japan and the Philippines by fostering mutual trust and understanding between them.

Additionally, it promotes an awareness of the politics, diplomatic relations, diversified culture, history, economy, and society of Japan.

Who can apply for the exchange program?

All interested Youth Delegates must be able to satisfy the following requirements. One must:

  1. be a first time traveler to Japan;
  2. be fully vaccinated (with 1st and 2nd dose with at least 1 booster shot);
  3. be a FILIPINO citizen currently residing in the Philippines;
  4. be 15-18 years old, single (for students);
  5. be officially enrolled in any Philippine-based High School (for students);
  6. have a good command of written and spoken English;
  7. be physical fit;
  8. have a valid Philippine passport July 1, 2024;
  9. have a PSA-issued birth certificate;
  10. be able to attend & participate during the whole duration of the program in Tokyo and other places in Japan;
  11. be able to attend the pre-departure orientation in NYC Central Office, Quezon City a day before scheduled departure;
  12. be willing to be an NYC volunteer and to comply with post-program activities.

What are the necessary documentary requirements?

Interested Youth Delegates must be able to prepare the following documents for submission:

  1. Fill up the NYC International Programs’ Online Application Form via google form completely and accurately (avoid duplicate application);
  2. Scanned copy of passports valid July 1, 2024 (upload via google form);
  3. Scanned copy of PSA-issued birth certificate (upload via google form);
  4. Updated Curriculum Vitae (upload via google form);
  5. Certification from school (with school seal) that applicant is officially enrolled (for students);
  6. With PSA-issued birth certificate;
  7. Vaccination card issued by the Department of Health with QR code.

What are the benefits under the exchange program?

The Organizer will shoulder the accommodation, local transportation, travel insurance and roundtrip economy airfare.

But Youth Delegates will shoulder their travel expenses from their residence (province) to NAIA and back, as well as their accommodation in Quezon City for the pre-departure briefing in NYC Central Office and other personal expenses that may incur during the travel.


  • Submission Deadline of Video Entries: September 15, 2023. 11:59 P.M.
  • The Program will be held on October 10, 2023 (online Pre-Exchange program) and December 12-19, 2023 in Tokyo and Hyogo, Japan.

How to file your application?

For all interested Youth Delegates, kindly visit the National Youth Commission’s account for a more comprehensive guide via this link.

Source: National Youth Commission

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